Results drive you, and us, forward.

Our mission is to empower organizations to achieve growth through results-based marketing. Our vision is to empower 50,000 organizations, doubling their revenue within 18 months.

Company Stats

Some of our company statistics

Our greatest achievement is seeing our clients grow their businesses using Revenx services, achieve consistent results, and stay for the long -haul, knowing we are the best solution for them.


Active clients


Average growth, year over year


Revenue generated for our clients

April 2024 Snapshot

The 2024 Numbers

2024 is already looking up for the Revenx team, with highest-ever achievements across the board, in every area of the company. Our growth is a direct result of our companies dedication to our core values and exceptional team.


New clients signed up for services


Growth over last year to date


Appointments generated for our clients


Client retention rate

Core Values

The five core values that drive everything we do

Core Value 1


Whether that’s internal leadership, personal leadership, or leading an industry. We are leading the industry in modern business practices, working with the best talent and with the clients that are leading the world into a better place.

Core Value 2


We are all aligned and on the same team focused to achieving our personal goals in alignment with the organization’s goals of helping our clients achieve success.

Core Value 3


We’re always learning, always growing and always taking responsibility for ourselves, our results and for our clients. Something can always be done to improve a scene. We treat ourselves, and our clients with respect.

Core Value 4


We are open with our clients, we share our results both great and not so great if it happens as we know that honesty is the best policy however top results is what we continually strive to achieve. We’re open to learning, changing and improving. We’re highly ethical, we only work with companies that are themselves ethical.

Core Value 5


We achieve results. Every interaction we do should be above and beyond the expectations of our clients or our team.

A Message from the CEO

To our team members, partners, and customers. I'm excited to be on this growth journey with you. Every day we all strive to achieve our personal and professional goals. I'm looking forward to seeing you on our team whether as a team member, a partner, or a client.

Jeremy Haug | Founder & CEO of Revenx
Jeremy Haug | Founder & CEO of Revenx