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Hot, Warm, and Cold Traffic Part 2 - B2B Business Experts

Written by Jeremy Haug | Apr 21, 2021 8:13:06 AM

In the last part, we covered the 5 different types of traffic including two types that tend to get missed (prospects who had spoken with you and clients). 

Let’s talk about content for a minute.

Content is what you are driving traffic towards or it’s what you send your prospects or clients.

There’s a ton of examples of content.

What you’re reading right now is content.

A pricing page is content.

Price Comparisons are content.

An e-book is content.

A quiz or webinar or video of any sort is content.

Now that we know what content can be, how do you use it?

First, you should know who your ideal client is (which I cover in detail here) as well as what journey they are going through, what their problems are, and the story they are living (covered in detail here).

Then you have to create content for the various stages of traffic.

For cold traffic, you create content that introduces them to the problem that they may not even be aware of.

For example, a content piece titled “7 Reasons the IRS will audit you” could be a great cold content piece for an accountant. The business owner may not even think that they could be audited and that content piece could bring about an awareness of the need for an accountant where there wasn’t one before.

Another example could be “3 Ways to waste 10 Years in Business”. This could be for a business coach or consultant showing a business owner that there are ways that they could need help where they may not have even considered before.

Now for warm traffic (traffic that is aware that they have a problem), once could create content with something like this “Top 5 Solutions to Staffing Issues” – this could be an article for a Staffing Company, providing solutions other than just hiring a recruiting company but if it provides value it may influence the business to think that a staffing solution is the best option.

Another example could be “5 Products you Clinic Should Offer” which could target a doctor’s office that is interested in expanding the different products or services that they want to offer. This gives them ideas and if you’re selling one or all of the products then this might be a good way to bring the prospect further down the funnel to becoming hot traffic.

For hot traffic, examples of content could be a pricing guide, a webinar on how it’s like to work with your business or comparisons to competitors of yours locally. It could also be an offer such as a $7 introductory course, a free consultation, a completely free introductory course or a free or $199 strategic plan.

The intention is to take hot traffic and bring them into your sales process. 

Now for the traffic that has already engaged with you in either a small purchase, a sales call or has visited you in person but hasn’t closed yet there are some other content types that would work really well here. Testimonials or speaking to an existing customer can work wonders. While these may not be considered content, they most certainly are. This is the content that your prospect needs to consume (either digitally or in real life) to move forward to the next step.

Another type of content can be other introductory offers. If someone has purchased your $7 course, maybe now you sell them your $19 offer, or your $197 offer and move them toward the main product you are trying to sell (which may be $2997 or $300,000).

Finally, for Customers, you’ll want to continue to create offers to continue the relationship. The content here could be additional courses, additional coaching, technology, and the way to market this is to introduce your existing customers to how this could help them even more (after you’ve delivered amazing results with your first product).

That wraps up how content should be used for different types of traffic. In the next part, we’ll cover the different platforms and how they can be used for different types of traffic.