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Top 5 Questions to Ask Your Next Marketing Agency - B2B Business Experts

Written by Jeremy Haug | Apr 9, 2021 4:17:35 PM

When choosing your next marketing agency it’s important to ask the right questions. Knowing what to ask makes it easier to interview your agency, just like you’d want to interview hiring a new employee.

What Services do you Offer?

Most Agencies will specialize in some services. Depending on their size and experience they’ll have different services such as:

  • Facebook Advertising

  • PPC

  • SEO

  • Website Design

  • Email Marketing

  • Content Marketing

  • Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Social Posting

  • Physical Mailing

  • Cold Emails

  • LinkedIn Advertising

  • Other Social Platforms

  • Video Creation

  • Photography

  • App Design

  • Etc.


As you can see there’s a long list of different services that a Marketing Agency can offer. That’s not even including the more traditional Agency that may offer PR/TV/Radio/Billboard Advertising.


WARNING – An agency that offers every service without a massive team will have a hard time being exceptional at any of them. 

What industry do you specialize in or do you have Case Studies in?

Often times agencies will work in a specific niche to specialize in that industry. This is often a benefit to their clients as they will understand the kinds of problems that you run into, as they have run into similar problems with other clients in other locations.


Also, some agencies work with businesses that are of a certain size or that operate either B2B or B2C and therefore specialize their knowledge in that direction. 


Find out where they specialize and then ask for Case Studies. Some Agencies may even have you talk to some of their clients that they’ve worked with. These case studies should reflect that the business can do the work and achieve the results you’re looking for.

How are we going to work together?

This is often one of the most important questions to get answered. I personally believe that the best agencies work to partner with their clients for success. This is a point of trust and the more you trust each other the better the relationship will work.


I do believe that trust is often earned on a step-by-step basis and that agencies should work with you to see where you want to start, making it easy to work with them and if it doesn’t work, it should be relatively easy for you each to leave.


If the agency is looking for a longer-term commitment from you, then you will need to really build the relationship up to a point where you know they’ll deliver for you, they’ve delivered for clients like you in the past and the investment looks like one that really makes sense for you.

What key performance indicators (KPI) will you report on?

Choosing the right KPI to measure is vital to see if the agency you’re working with is looking to achieve real results (by driving revenue for your business) or if they’re an amateur that is more focused on likes, comments, shares.

While there are gradients in between such as leads or appointments scheduled it is vital that the agency find out from you what a client is worth to you, what your margins are, how much they can spend on the marketing, and how long your sales process takes.


Depending on the service they’re offering, the KPI may be leads, appointments, increased traffic however if these then don’t convert to clients, they will mean nothing for your business. 

Who is your main point of contact? And how responsive are they going to be?

It’s important to know who your contact will be, what the team is that’s supporting you and how responsive they are. The agency you choose should be highly responsive to your needs.


Often times you’ll see something that goes on that you want changed, or you want to see how things are going and if you don’t hear back for a week or two that is a huge issue.


The point of contact, ideally for you will actually be able to answer questions and not be the lowest paid person in the company.